Saint Brigid’s Cathedral

Departing from Dublin, we stopped in the quiet little town of Kildare to find a place for breakfast. While walking through town, we noticed an old stone tower and church a block away. After a nice breakfast of rasher (similar to Canadian bacon), banger (sausage), and black and white pudding (no idea what it was), we headed toward the church.

What we found was Saint Brigid’s Cathedral, a beautiful 13th century structure. Behind it was an old cemetery and the Kildare Round Tower, build around the 12th century. The tower can be toured, but it didn’t open for several hours, so we couldn’t climb ro the top.

After leaving Kildare, we reached the port town of Dingle a few hours later. I’ll include more on Dingle in my next update.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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