Perhaps fittingly, I’ve completed the conversion of Uncle Walt’s old 8mm home movie collection onto DVDs in time for Christmas. The collection is large, nearly 6.5 hours of movies filling 5 DVDs. The first two sets of DVDs were shipped to Carol Zellmer and her daughter Kirsten this past Thursday. I’m currently duplicating sets for mom, Fred and Al. The project began March 14, 2009, and took approximately 150 hours to capture, convert, edit and arrange. I’m glad this little task is behind me.

The collection spans the years 1958 through 1981. It’s great to see Detroit in those days, with a view of the pre-Renaissance Center skyline from the Bob-Lo boat. My favorite scenes are the holiday gatherings, which bring back memories of Uncle Harold, Uncle Art, Aunt Betty, and Great-Grandma Kling.
Let me know if you’re interested in a set of these DVDs. Uncle Walt and Aunt Eleanor will always be a part of my Christmas celebrations.