Like my larger pontoon boat, the story of this little pontoon paddle boat starts with my brother Dave browsing Craigslist. This past Monday, Dave sent an email, showing a little 10-foot Paddle King pontoon boat for sale. He knew that I was interested in getting one for our guests to use. I called the seller Tuesday, and on Friday, I hauled the little boat to Alden in the bed of my pickup truck.
The boat was light enough for me to unload myself. In a constant drizzle, I dragged it to the shoreline, which is at the highest level I’ve ever seen, thanks to heavy snow from the past Winter. Enzo joined me for a short ride on Thayer Lake, which allowed me to inspect my dock, which is floating away due to the high lake levels. I have some maintenance work to do on the dock in the coming weeks.
This little pontoon paddle boat needs to be cleaned up a bit, but it’s mechanically sound, and has a new chain. I suspect that it will be a favorite water toy with our guests. It’s very relaxing to ride.