¡Hola desde Perú!
With Nicki’s flight from LA being cancelled and her group’s arrival delayed a day, Deb and I spent our first full day in Lima, Peru, walking around the Miraflores area.
We didn’t have a rental car, but that’s probably a good thing. Driving in Detroit or on I-696 does not prepare one for the very fast-pace of Lima’s traffic. Drivers here use their horns as a courtesy signal to others, so there’s a continual cacophony of short horn blasts.
Being Americans, we have to learn to live without a thermostat. There is no heat nor AC in the house, since temperatures range from mid 50s to mid 80s throughout the year. You simply dress appropriately, so we’re wearing jackets in the house, as the morning temps are in the low 60s.
Now that Nicki, Anthony and his mother Bari have arrived, we’ll be exploring the local area much more, and I’ll post updates more frequently.

Safe travels Kevin and all. That Inca Kola looks like something you’d find on the side of an interstate in Michigan. Umm, no thank you.
Right! Nicki actually bought a bottle last night and we all tried it. It’s less “syrupy” than most soft drinks, and has a slight bubble-gum flavor. Maybe it can also double as antifreeze, who knows.