Kayak Fun

Last week Doug surprised my mom with an awesome new kayak.  It’s lighter and more streamlined than the ones we have, and the paddle is made of some exotic composite material.  We’re expecting mom to enter kayak races any time now.

Mom showed off her new life vest, designed for kayaks.  She should be ready for the white water now!  After taking those pictures, I took Enzo for his first kayak ride, which he loved.  For a while, he was most interested in biting the paddle as I used it, which wasn’t much help at all.

Mom, you look great in your new kayak.  Enjoy it!

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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4 Comments on “Kayak Fun”

  1. Glad your mom enjoyed the surprise from Doug. Looks like she loves it. You know Jan it’s alot easier and goes alot faster if you put it in the water. They say with that new composite paddle you should be able to do 8 to 12 miles an hour on the water. Be safe and enjoy yourself. Now we need to find one for Doug. By the way Doug and Jan, my family really enjoyed your company this past Memorial weekend. Thank you for your hospitality as usual. You guy’s are the best.

  2. Enzo I forgot about you. Thanks for playing with my grandchildren. They enjoyed you running around and having a good time. Oh, by the way your hair looks good. It’s starting to grow long just like when I first met you. If you see mom (Debbie) coming towards you run like hell cause she’ll take you back to that butcher. You look good in that kayak.

    1. Yes, we’ve agreed that Enzo won’t get anymore shaves like the last one. He’s cuter with some fur.

  3. I LOVE my new kayak…………….and, I knew I would! Thanks to Doug’s entrance/exit strategy, it works like a charm. I can beach the kayak, hook up the bungees, grab the sturdy handle provided, and climb out. Now………………it’s not the most glamorous look……………the first time I got out, I saw Doug almost doubled over laughing. But, it’s so easy to do I can now handle this whole situation by myself. I will be working on trying for a more graceful look on my exit. Thanks to Kevin also for his helpful tips and concern.

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