The motorcycle restoration project took a few steps forward today. I finally got some time to disassemble the front forks. I’ve ordered new seals and dust covers for the forks to ensure that they won’t leak fluid. I was quite pleased to find the fork shafts to be in excellent shape, with not a single sign of pitting or roughness. I’ll reassemble the forks when the new seals and fork oil arrive.
I also painted a few more black parts, such as the lower engine mounts and the fork “triple tree” bridges. Finally, I managed to take some good old fashioned Brillo pads to the spokes and to some tiny rust spots on the wheel rimes. They cleaned up pretty well.
When I get the forks back together and mounted on the frame, I’ll start the reassembly of the motorcycle. I have the first two weeks of July off work, so I’m expecting to make some progress with the assembly. The bike was manufactured in October 1971 … wouldn’t it be nice to have it running by this October, in time for its 40th birthday?