Abigail’s Egg Race

A few weeks ago Abigail’s class held a fun event.  Each student was to make an egg race car out of things found around the house.  The goal was to make an egg-carrying car that would take an egg down the slide and survive the entire trip without breaking the egg.

A few students had mishaps, but most of the eggs survived.  Abigail’s car was a success!  Congratulations, Abigail, on your egg race!

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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One Comment on “Abigail’s Egg Race”

  1. Great job and congratulations on your success. I can’t hold an egg in my hand without cracking it, and you made it down a slide without cracking the egg. Looks like we have a future design engineer in the making. You did a fine job Abby. Keep up the good work.

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