She Runs!

After spending most of the day working on the ’65 Honda project, I got to a point where I could give it a test start.  I still had some work to do, so it wasn’t yet road worthy, but the electrical system was completely working.  The engine had spark, and the spark was timed.

I put just enough fuel in the tank to fill the carburetor.  I switched the petcock to ‘reserve’ and let the fuel flow to the carburetor.  I set the choke, turned the key, then pressed the starter button.  The engine cranked for a few seconds, kicked a few times, then roared to life.  It sounded great.  I let it run for about 2 minutes, but then noticed that fuel was dripping, so I shut it down.

Fuel was indeed dripping from the rebuilt petcock, and again from the carburetor’s overflow tube.  Apparently I still have some work to do.  Once the fuel leaks are addressed, I still have a few hours of work to do before the bike takes to the road for the first time, but today was a big step forward.  This was the first time this engine has run since 1983.

Below is a picture after the engine test.  The seat and several parts are not yet mounted.

After first engine test

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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2 Comments on “She Runs!”

  1. Congratulations Kevin on another job well done. You did it again. Took another bike that hasn’t run in almost 30 years and made it look like new and at the first turn of the key you got a running restored bike. What an accomplishment. Me I just had a hard time spelling that word right yet alone restore a 30 year old bike. I’m still partial to those white wall tires. They make the bike really look classy. I can see it now when we go riding and then stop somewhere how you will once again get all the attention and comments. Like you said before I’ll have to start my bike on fire for anyone to notice my nice, clean and shiny Honda. Just so my feelings don’t get hurt I just might park down the street from you. Just kidding Kevin. Can’t wait to see you in front of me riding this bike down the roads. Great job Kevin.

    1. Thanks, Al. I still have some work to do before I get it on the road for the first time. The petcock would not stop leaking, so I inspected it closer and noticed that the entire aluminum petcock body was warped. I decided to set aside the vintage, and notoriously problematic, petcock and ordered an inexpensive adapter and new petcock. This bike isn’t going in a museum, so it won’t matter, and honestly won’t even be noticed. A modern chrome Harley-style petcock looks nice and will provide years of leak-free service.

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