March 17 – My Earliest Swim Yet

With Alden hitting an insane 81 degrees, I saw an opportunity to set a new personal record.  My previous earliest date for a swim was April 17, but with this St Patrick’s Day arriving in the midst of unseasonably warm weather, I saw my chance to move my personal “earliest swim” record one month ahead.

Sherry and Ken recorded my little event, with Al watching from the deck.  The thermometer registered 45.6 degrees in the water.  It was all over in a minute, with a quick dive and backward swim.  With the air still warm, I didn’t need to dry off until I reached the house.  Now my new “earliest swim” is set at March 17.  Happy St Patrick’s Day.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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6 Comments on “March 17 – My Earliest Swim Yet”

  1. You used the meat thermometer to test the temperature of the water? Ewww! Throw it away now!

  2. Sorry about the duplicate comment………….our computer has not been working right since we’ve been in AZ. But, actually, Bellaire’s weather at 81 is warmer than AZ today. We are expecting a storm soon so our temp is around the mid 70’s. We are going to a St. Patrick’s Day party in a few minutes. Have a great weekend, Kev, Sher, & Ken.

  3. You go Kev!!! Looks like a shot for extreme sports!!! What a daredevil you are.
    We’re also enjoying the warm temps. The gazebo is up, deck is ready for summer & Graham test rode the Ducati today. (another red bike for sale)
    Looks like our summer arrived early….maybe no winter next year either!!!

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