Moving Nicki to Tennessee

On Monday we moved Nicki and Nate to their new home in New Tazewell, TN.  We left Michigan early in the morning, stopping at Nate’s parent’s house near Cincinnati to pick up his furnishings.  We arrived at the house around 6:30 PM and unloaded the truck that evening.

We spent most of Tuesday setting up furniture and unpacking boxes before finishing the evening at Norris Lake, where Nate’s parents rented a beautiful cabin barely a half mile away.  Before returning the rental truck, I managed to get it stuck in the ditch across from the house, blocking traffic for at least an hour.  There was no damage, though.

Nicki’s road is a scenic route that twists and turns around the mountains, lakes and rivers for miles, easily the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen on a motorcycle.  I’ll take more motorbike rides around the area this week.

As you can see in the pictures below, Nicki and Nate are really “roughing it”.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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4 Comments on “Moving Nicki to Tennessee”

  1. What a gorgeous house and location………………..congrats to Nicki and Nate for finding it! How are you ever going to study with scenery like that???? We can’t wait to visit with you in Sept.

  2. Its beautiful and I moved to Tennessee also I’m in Harriman also on the lake

  3. Wow, what a beautiful place she has there. Just like a summer home. Now you have a place to go to for vacation with you and Debbie. More then enough room for everyone. Not your ordinary dorm they had in college here in Michigan. Nicki will probably stay there and not want to come home. Hope Nicki appreciates what good parents she has, which I know she does. Good job Kevin and Debbie. Beautiful.

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