Visiting Ken & Sherry

Enzo and I decided to stop over at Ken and Sherry’s place near Kalkaska.  I heard that Eric’s family was there, and I wanted to see the girls.  I also wanted to check on the progress of the house construction, which has been moving quickly.  I was there a few weeks ago and the wiring and plumbing were being installed.

The insulation is now installed, and sheets of drywall were on site, waiting to be hung.  When I stepped inside the house, it was very quiet due to the insulation.  In the guest bedroom, I noticed baby Jocelyn Rose swinging in her baby swing.  She was awake and looking around, so I got to hold her for the very first time.  She’s such a sweet baby girl.

Jocelyn’s big sisters Adriana and Sophia had spent the prior day on the water, tubing and swimming.  Keeping the tradition alive, little Jocelyn got to ‘drive’ the boat from great-Grandpa’s lap.  Adriana is quite a little archer, too.  I watched her practicing with her bow and arrows under Grandpa Ken’s guidance, hitting the foam targets very consistently.

Adriana and Sophia got a quick tour of the crawl space, which they called the “basement”.  Sophia asked why there was sand on the floor of the basement.  So cute.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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One Comment on “Visiting Ken & Sherry”

  1. Oh the memory’s I have going to Ken and Sherry’s place. Had so much fun all these past years. Ken and Sherry you have done a great job on your place. It really looks sharp and cozy. Can’t wait to see it when it is totally all done. Good job you guy’s.

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