New Set of Wheels

While Deb’s broken foot has been mending, she’s been getting around on crutches and a wheel chair.  She’s getting better with the crutches, but they make her arms and hands hurt.  The wheel chair helps, but it’s heavy and hard to maneuver in tight places.  She’s now using a “Roll About”, which lets her fly around the house much more conveniently.  It’s small enough to fit between furniture and through doors without issue.

A few days ago, excessive swelling caused her Doctor to remove her original pink cast, so today she’s sporting a stylish purple replacement.  She still has 4-5 weeks to go before the cast comes off.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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2 Comments on “New Set of Wheels”

  1. Does that thing have brakes? Wasn’t purple Deb’s favorite color? Maybe not any longer!
    Just be careful on the steps. I sure hope Kev is cooking for Mother’s Day. love, mj

    1. Yeah, there are two sets of hand brakes on her scooter. Deb was treated to a deluxe brunch at Shanty Creek, so she’s been spoiled.

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