Detroit at Night

Working long hours isn’t much fun, and during the Winter months, it often means driving to and from work in the dark.  From my 27th floor vantage point, it can also mean impressive sun rises and night views.

While leaving work rather late on Thursday, February 10, I decided to take a few pictures of the Detroit skyline.  I only had my cell phone with me, so the pictures aren’t the best quality.  Regardless, I never tire of these views, seeing Detroit illuminated like a Christmas Tree.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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3 Comments on “Detroit at Night”

  1. Kevin, look on your main picture at the bottom of the tallest building in the left hand corner. See that guy standing there, that’s me waving to you. Just kidding. Fabulous pictures. That’s amazing that your cell phone took those pictures. If only Detroit was as good as those picture, then we would once again have a really great city.

  2. Awesome photos, Kev. Don’t know how they could get much better. During our Super Bowl party we all clapped and cheered when the Chrysler commercial was over and the sentence, “Imported From Detroit” was shown. Detroit skyline is still beautiful……………the rest will be cleaned up year by year, I’m sure.

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