Winterfest 2013

A few days ago I was a bit concerned about the planned Winterfest this year.  We had just received 6 inches of wet, heavy snow, and it started to rain.  That doesn’t make for good skiing.  Fortunately, the temperature dropped and the snow continued to fall, covering the area in thick, puffy snow.

Friday and Saturday were beautiful, both on Schuss Mountain and inside by the cozy fire.  Michigan winters can be so beautiful.

About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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2 Comments on “Winterfest 2013”

  1. It looks like everyone had a good time. I do remember, fondly, the Winter fests we used to have before we started heading out west for our winters. I’m glad you have reinvented it. But, I don’t think that will change Doug’s mind about skipping town for the winter!

    1. The Winterfest was nice. The snow was good, and the fire in the fireplace was relaxing. We got an additional 6-8 inches since that weekend, and there’s no place left to push the snow. Sure is pretty though.

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