Blizzard in Alden

With the power out for roughly 8 hours now and the fireplace maintaining a cozy 70 degrees, I thought I would post an update from my cell phone.

A heavy wet snow has covered the area.  I hear Traverse City reported 14 inches, but I have 8 to 12 here.  Enzo can’t walk in it, so he hops as he goes.

Hopefully the power returns soon, but I’m guessing it won’t.  Gotta love Michigan, where the first big snow hits on Spring’s doorstep.




About Kevin Forth

Always learning, Kevin is an IT professional that likes to tinker with electronics, motorcycles, and whatever he can take apart.

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6 Comments on “Blizzard in Alden”

  1. This is so crazy when you compare it to your “Winter Riding” pictures! Hard to believe it was that sunny and warm only a few weeks ago.

    1. Michigan is so unpredictable. In some spots the snow reaches my knees. Enzo and I went for a walk, trees down everywhere. My power has been out 12 hours now. At least I’m catching up on my reading.

  2. Holy Moley!!!!! Don’t ya just love power outages??? They’re so cozy. I love the reading idea. We should have more power outages so we get more reading done. Anyway, just a FYI………’s 74 and sunny here today.

  3. Hi Kevin, Thank you for sharing the “snowy” photos and info. Remebered your website and took a look….Great website! We arrived home from Florida at 9:00 PM Sat. after hopscotching through the tornadoes . An hour later, the freeze alarm in Bellaire called. Contacting the power co. revealed they expected the power to be out until late Monday night. After the freeze alarm calling every two hours through the night, Dave disabled it this morning. Don’t want to see what happened inside the cabin. FYI….It was in the low 80’s when we left…the beaches were fanatastic…….ready to pack-up and go back.

    1. Hi Diane. You left Florida too soon. No change here, still powerless Sunday evening. I have the fireplace heating the house to prevent some things from freezing, like all the wine and 5 gallons of ale that is still fermenting. Hopefully the power returns soon. Thanks for your note!

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